澳联地产(AC Real Estate )RLA:272867,是华人在澳大利亚南澳地区首选值得信任的地产品牌。澳联地产集高端项目推广,一线销售,项目分析和规划定位,物业管理的综合性的地产公司。
“A”代表Australia, “C”代表China,作为澳大利亚本土的华人中介公司澳联地产一直坚守并贯彻执行的最高标准—专业,诚实,守信。
Work as a team.
Through collaboration and participation, we support each other. We are fair in the face of conflict and celebrate team success. We are always humble.
Think like a customer.
We produce work we are proud of because we care. We act with integrity, empathy and transparency - taking on feedback and delivering on our promises.
Grow as a leader.
Through training and innovation, we encourage our people to grow. We embrace change and lead by example. We always strive to be better.